
Hi, I’m again raising money in aid of HEARTS & SOULS having previously completed the London Bridges walk in 2017, the Thames Valley Summer walk in 2018 and the Ridge Off Roader 10K in 2019 (picture below)

My next major challenge was to run the Maidenhead half marathon at the age of 62, a distance I haven't managed since the 1993 Wycombe half marathon and unlikely to try again (this is my ultimate challenge!), using this to add to the £3,461.00 I've already raised towards Hearts & Souls. As with so many events, this has been cancelled but I am still determined to help where I can by running the course on Sept 27th 2020.

Hearts & Souls are a local voluntary run charity based in Wycombe hospital that fund the excellent cardiac rehabilitation classes which help around a 1,000 patients to recover from cardiac events each year in South Bucks.

This part of the rehabilitation programme is not funded by the NHS and relies entirely on charitable and legacy donations to keep it free at the point of use at a cost of about £25,000 per year. This is not some high profile national organisation but a small local charity who rely mainly on a small pool of those who have been through the progamme to help today's patients.  

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the charity has had to cancel all its usual organised fund raising and as far as I'm aware, this is THE ONLY FUND RAISING EVENT THIS YEAR!

My own reason for doing this now is that I hadn’t ran at all since the Wycombe half marathon in 1993 when I suffered a heart attack while out walking from Bledlow Ridge on 28th Dec 2016, this was my second heart event having previously been diagnosed with unstable angina and having an angioplasty with stents in 2013, the short time period of about 3.5 years between these two events frightened me so I made a promise to myself to improve my health and fitness within the next 3.5 years and hopefully this challenge is proof of that goal.

Following my heart attack I was treated in Harefield hospital where I had my 2nd angioplasty & stent and was again invited to the award winning cardiac rehab. in Wycombe hospital in Mar 2017, this was my second time so I knew what to expect.

I found that after my first heart episode the uncertainly in your own ability to carry out even the most mundane tasks like climbing the stairs, lifting the shopping or supporting the mighty Wycombe Wanderers makes you almost too afraid to even try, that you might be over exerting yourself and god forbid, that you will give yourself a heart attack – it’s a real fear. Attending those first rehab classes had rebuilt my confidence, given me the belief that I could get back to a normal life and that playing with the grandkids wasn’t life threatening and I wanted that same reassurance again, but this time make proper life-time changes to my routines & diet with more determination to improve my health & fitness so I wouldn’t be back in another 3.5 years (which indecently is on Sept 8th 2020).
Read about my experience on Cardiac Rehab .... here
I have much to be grateful to the cardiac rehab, giving me the knowledge, belief, confidence and inspiration to go on and make these changes and so wish to return the favour and help those who are now facing that same uncertainty and fear about their own future by running my first half marathon in 27 years, by far the longest distance I have attempted post heart attack

Please help me to raise as much money as possible to support this vital/invaluable/essential service, you never know when you or some-one close might be grateful for their help and support.

I support this charity with a passion but limit my fund raising to once a year so like to put in as much effort as possible to each one to get the maximum return, I make no apologies for constantly pushing this. I'm not going to set a time target for this run as I suffer with angina when under exertion and I have recently been experiencing episodes of Paroxysmal Afib.

PLEASE DONATE HERE :  https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/peter-jemmett 

My grateful thanks go to Andrew King, Kris Chaplin, Noo Naa Nicky, Jenny Hedges and Paul Szefer, all members of the 'Your Pace or Mine' group who have all offered to accompany on the run.

Three years of exercising and some of the amazing people I've met along the way all captured in pictures ... here
Thank-you for taking time to read this and in anticipation of your kind support - go on, have a heart!


Read how I got on .... here 

P.S. I would love to hear from you, please leave your comments below.

My full story - from heart attack to half marathon:

Part 1 - That fateful day. (Phase I - heart attack)  click here
Part 2 - Back home & drama at White Hart Lane. (Phase II - home recovery)  click here
Part 3 - They tried to make me go to rehab, I said yes, yes, yes please. (Phase III - cardiac rehabilitation)  click here
Part 4.1 - Getting FFITer and Harefield & Heartbreak hill revisited (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.2 - Walking for heart & soul & finding parkrun (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.3 - End of year 1 round-up and assessment (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.4 - Falling heart rate: fitter or hibernation? (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.5 - Pain in the bum, going senile and sub 30! (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.6 - Sub 29, attack of the AKI and 1 year old (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.7 - Pushing the boundaries (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.8 - Bling, bling, bling, two 10K's and a 5K. (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.9 - 3 Years On, Ragged Radnage and Pete's bolus journey (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.10 - Coping with COVID-19 and what they say (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.11 - Living in the lock-down (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.12 - Plus and minus 3.5 years; heart attack to half marathon! (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.13 - Is it worth the risk? (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.14 - Mix bag through Covid - End of year 4 (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.15 - Getting back in the groove (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.16 - Reintegrating back into society (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.17 - Get that crazy rhythm (the low down on AFib) (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style)  click here
Part 4.18 - The 5 year itch, time to cut the CRAP! (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.19 - The last word (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.20 - Persisting with parkrun (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.21 - Stuck in reverse (recap of 2022) (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.22 - Starting all over again 6 years on (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.23 - God bless the NHS (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.24 - What I can, when I can (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.25 - Life changes (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here


The rest of the story

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.1) - Getting FFITer and Harefield & Heartbreak hill revisited

Heart Attack to 10K (part 1) - That fateful day.

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.17) - Get that crazy rhythm (the low down on AFib)

Heart Attack to 10K (part 3) - They tried to make me go to rehab, I said yes, yes, yes please


Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.23) - God bless the NHS

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.20) - Persisting with parkrun

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.6) - Sub 29, attack of the AKI and 1 year old!

Heart Attack to 10K (part 2) - Back home & drama at White Hart Lane