Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.1) - Getting FFITer and Harefield & Heartbreak hill revisited
(Phase VI – sustaining a healthy life-style)
(Phase VI – sustaining a healthy life-style)
"Nothings going to happen unless you make it happen."
I already knew I had an enlarged prostate, but during early April 2017 that I noticed that I was having to visit the little chairboys room a bit more frequently and it was becoming more difficult to pass water. I thought this might be due to a change in medication so mentioned it to my GP on one of my many visits. This prompted the doctor to get a little more intimate with me than I was comfortable with as he gave my prostate a little tickle (you'll probably have to pay extra for that in a house of ill repute!) and he then referred me to the Urologist. A blood test showed my PSA (Prostate-specific antigen, a protein released from the prostate gland into the blood stream) to be 6.2, this was cause for concern as anything over 4.0 could indicate the presence of cancer cells. Normally, I believe the next stage would be to go for a biopsy, this was not possible in my case as I was on anticoagulation and this has to be taken for a full year following an angioplasty to prevent the blood clotting around the stent - my cardiologist was not moving on this. So, though it was worrying, it was left to check again in a month's time.
I already knew I had an enlarged prostate, but during early April 2017 that I noticed that I was having to visit the little chairboys room a bit more frequently and it was becoming more difficult to pass water. I thought this might be due to a change in medication so mentioned it to my GP on one of my many visits. This prompted the doctor to get a little more intimate with me than I was comfortable with as he gave my prostate a little tickle (you'll probably have to pay extra for that in a house of ill repute!) and he then referred me to the Urologist. A blood test showed my PSA (Prostate-specific antigen, a protein released from the prostate gland into the blood stream) to be 6.2, this was cause for concern as anything over 4.0 could indicate the presence of cancer cells. Normally, I believe the next stage would be to go for a biopsy, this was not possible in my case as I was on anticoagulation and this has to be taken for a full year following an angioplasty to prevent the blood clotting around the stent - my cardiologist was not moving on this. So, though it was worrying, it was left to check again in a month's time.
As the cardiac rehabilitation came to an end I was already looking for something else to do as I felt that I would find it difficult to keep up the momentum to continue exercising on my own, I had no real problem going on longer walks but they were intermittent depending on available time and the weather and I knew I needed a bit more than just that. I was really looking to continue a regular routine of some form of circuit training similar to what I had been doing during the rehab. classes.
It just so happened that the same day I graduated from rehab, Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust were advertising something called FFIT (Football Fans In Training, since renamed FIT Chairboys) [web page]. This was a free 12 week programme which offered diet & nutrition advice to help the participant make healthy lifestyle choices as well as the physical exercises I was looking for, it was aimed at overweight (BMI over 28) male football supporters between the ages of 35 to 65 years old to lose weight and gain fitness by making lifestyle changes through using the resources of their local football club – God! this was made for me!. It had initially been rolled out in Scotland in previous years and proved highly successful, and now it was being piloted by a few clubs in England, luckily for me Wycombe Wanderers being one of them and the timing couldn't have been better.
Having watched a BBC Scotland documentary where the FFIT partcipants had to run up and down the stands, I have to admit to being a little cautious to start with - I hadn't attempted to run at all for years before let alone since my cardiac problems! It wasn’t particularly aimed at heart patients and I wasn’t sure if the exercises would be too strenuous so soon after my heart attack, plus it would be without the safety net of a cardiac trained nurse. But with reassurances from Sam, one of the FFIT instructors, that the exercises would start gentle and you could work at your own pace plus with the support from the cardiac rehabilitation nurse who thought it a good idea but reminded me to never work-out above 13 on the RPE scale [see part 3], so I sent in my application.
The Hearts & Souls London Bridge sponsored walk that the ex-patient had talked so warmly about [see part 3] was also still on my mind, it sounded really tempting but I didn’t fancy doing this with just a bunch of strangers so enlisted my youngest daughter Kaitlyn to keep me company on the day. It seemed to me that this would an ideal target to aim for and as it wasn't until Sept. I had plenty of time to work on my fitness & stamina. To walk the approx. 13 miles from Putney Bridge to Tower Bridge seemed a good incentive to keep up the step count plus it was an ideal opportunity to give something back for the help, support and encouragement I had received from the marvellous cardiac rehabilitation team at Wycombe hospital.
As if cardiology and urology wasn't enough to get on with, I developed a tooth abscess that required another visit to the dentist. This won hands down over a heart attack in the pain stakes, the pain was excruciating and I wasn't sorry once the root canal treatment was finished.
As if cardiology and urology wasn't enough to get on with, I developed a tooth abscess that required another visit to the dentist. This won hands down over a heart attack in the pain stakes, the pain was excruciating and I wasn't sorry once the root canal treatment was finished.
My revisit to the Urologist in May eased the worry a little as a repeat blood test showed that my PSA was now down to 4.4, no real explanation as to why this was so but as it now seemed more stable and as invasive tests were out of the question, it was left to monitor later in the year, the consensuses being that there was more risk in stopping the heart medication than me actually having prostate cancer.
The first challenge at FFIT was to establish your base step count and then increase it week by week - bugger! I had already gone through a similar exercise with cardiac rehab. going from 5500 to 10,000 and was by now averaging about 11,000 - now they want me to add another 1500 steps per day - each week!
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Looking to get FFIT |
A good motivator throughout my recovery has always been looking for and hitting small milestones and I did just that on the 6th June when I recorded my first 7 consecutive days of over 10,000 steps per day with an average of 12,813, another came on the 19th June when I weighed in at 93.1kg meaning that my BMI was below 30 for the first time, I was no longer obese! - these may seem small accomplishments but they demonstrated I was moving in the right direction which in turn motivated me to continue my crusade towards a fitter me.
FFIT encouraged the participants to set at least one new SMART goal each week [see part 3]. One of my better goals which I'm still achieving, besides the normal eat more fruit, limit the consumption of beer & coffee etc., was to walk at least 4000 'aerobic steps' per day averaged over the week. These are recorded on my pedometer and to achieve this you have to walk at least 10 minutes at a brisk pace (60 steps per minute) and carry on without stopping for more than 1 minute for a continuous reading. This was particularly useful for exceeding the recommended 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate intensity exercise per week and helped me meet the Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) principle that was encouraged at the cardiac rehab.
Another SMART goal which I have since set myself that probably initiated in FFIT is 'not to eat for the sake of eating', this might seem an obvious thing to do but has become a golden rule I live by. Particularly at work, but it can apply elsewhere like raiding the fridge, treats are always available and you fall into a habit of just picking at them just because they are there when you don't really need or even want them. This is a simple SMART goal to remind me to stop snacking on usually unhealthy tit-bits which really add up unnecessary calorie in-take over the day.
The mid-point on the FFIT programme coincided with my 6 month cardiology check-up at Harefield and I came away with slightly mixed emotions. We had had our half-way weigh-in at FFIT and the weight lost was represented by bags of sand (a simple but extremely effective idea), first we all took turns to pick up two fairly heavy carrier bags which was an impressive combined 27.7kg in weight lost for 13 of us and then from these we were handed individual bags. Some of the group obliviously did better than others but overall there was a tremendous positive feeling to being able to feel that actual weight, mine was one of the smaller bags weighing in at 1.4kg but I wasn't too despondent as I was looking for a slow & steady weight lost anyway and it did give a real sense of what had been achieved in a reasonably short period of time. Although my visit to Harefield earlier that day wasn't negative, I did come away feeling that I had moved back a square or two. I was experiencing touches of angina, particularly when exercising with FFIT and mentioned this during the consultation. To my surprise the Cardiologist recommended coming back for another angiogram to reassess the narrowing's in my arteries, assuring me this would be a far more relaxed procedure than the emergency 6 months previous though it did have a slight deflated feel of 'here we go again'.
Meanwhile I set up a JustGiving page to start collecting towards the Hearts & Souls London Bridges sponsored walk, initially I set the target amount to £250.00 but with the first donation coming in at £100.00 had to quickly reconsider and increase the target to £500.00, which I felt this was a realistic amount [see part 4.2 for the final astonishing total].
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In the Cath Lab |
Again, I was not allowed to drive and had to take it easy for a couple of days, this meant missing my penultimate FFIT session which was a real shame as the Handy Cross Running club were invited to take the training and put the team through their paces, however I was to meet up with these guys, and in particular Douglas, later in the year when I discovered 'parkrun' which was to become another whole new chapter in my recovery story [see part 4.2].

FFIT is not a diet, it is about improving your lifestyle by making many small changes. Rather than change one thing by 20% it is about changing 20 things by 1% - a lot of small changes that result in a big win. It certainly was a turning point in my recovery giving me the drive, routine and motivation to carry where I left off after rehab. Although I joined FFIT mainly for the exercise, I think all my FFIT colleagues would agree is it certainly makes you more aware of what you are eating, thinking more about calorie intake, reducing fats and salts, portion sizes, the traffic light labelling etc. helping to make sensible choices. You know a cream cake is packed with calories, so you are far more conscious of that choice before you make it and equate it too how long you'll need to spend on the treadmill - and you feel bloody guilty if you give into the temptation!
So, on a beautiful summer's day with the Red Kites flying in clear blue skies, butterflies on wild flowers in the meadows and poppies billowing in the wheat fields (have I painted the perfect summers day?) it was just an idyllic walk. On passing through St Mary's church there was a summer workshop community activity day going on so on my return having completed the same loop up and down hills, through woods and along valley's [see part 1] I stopped off to take that long awaited look inside the church before tackling 'that' hill. It's a fascinating historical church built by the Knights Templar in the late 12th century with medieval wall paintings and a vibrant congregation and I sat there for a while sipping a cup tea listening to some local families trying their hand at African drums, it seemed a pity to leave.
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Heartbreak hill |
I was still hitting those milestones and in the following days reached 2,000,000 steps (since my cardiac rehabilitation heart assessment), the equivalent of almost walking to Iceland (but without getting your feet wet)! This led to the idea of setting myself SMART challenges and decided to try and complete 2.5 million steps before the sponsored walk in 32 days' time. This meant I needed to keep up an average of 13,260 every day which was a little above what I was actually achieving. To give an added incentive, my youth football club, Totteridge FC, offered me a £100.00 bonus donation to Hearts & Souls should I complete the challenge.

I felt that my fitness levels were improving by the day and together with the new improved eating habits and a little help from Isosorbide Mononitrate (nitrate tablet) was even adding in some short jogging in my walks! - I hadn't jogged willingly in years!!
Heart attack to 10K pictorial record - click here
Thank-you for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts on any subject I have covered, please leave your comments below or email me at peterjemmett@aol.com
Part 1 - That fateful day. (Phase I - heart attack) click here
Part 2 - Back home & drama at White Hart Lane. (Phase II - home recovery) click here
Part 3 - They tried to make me go to rehab, I said yes, yes, yes please. (Phase III - cardiac rehabilitation) click here
Part 4.2 - Walking for heart & soul & finding parkrun (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.3 - End of year 1 round-up and assessment (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.4 - Falling heart rate: fitter or hibernation? (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.5 - Pain in the bum, going senile and sub 30! (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.6 - Sub 29, attack of the AKI and 1 year old (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.7 - Pushing the boundaries (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.8 - Bling, bling, bling, two 10K's and a 5K. (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.9 - 3 Years On, Ragged Radnage and Pete's bolus journey (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.10 - Coping with COVID-19 and what they say (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.11 - Living in the lock-down (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.12 - Plus and minus 3.5 years; heart attack to half marathon! (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.13 - Is it worth the risk? (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.14 - Mixed bag through Covid (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.15 - Getting back in the groove (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.16 - Reintegrating back into society (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.17 - Get that crazy rhythm (the low down on AFib) (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.18 - The 5 year itch, time to cut the CRAP! (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.19 - The last word (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.20 - Persisting with parkrun (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.21 - Stuck in reverse (recap of 2022) (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.19 - The last word (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.20 - Persisting with parkrun (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.21 - Stuck in reverse (recap of 2022) (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.22 - Starting all over again 6 years on (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.24 - What I can, when I can (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.25 - Life changes (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
Part 4.25 - Life changes (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) click here
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