
Showing posts from January, 2020

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.9) - 3 Years On, Ragged Radnage and Pete's bolus journey

PART 4.9 - 3 YEAR'S ON, RAGGED RADNAGE AND PETE'S BOLUS JOURNEY (Phase VI - sustaining a healthy life-style) "Nothings going to happen unless you make it happen." There are times when I think sod it, I'm just too tired and can't be bothered to carry on with this running malarkey and healthy eating. I just want to get back to a 'normal life' where I can laze around if I want and eat and drink as I please and to hell with the consequences and there are many times over the past year I have fallen to temptations way beyond the 'occasional treat', especially where food and drink are concerned. It gets hard trying to stick to the plan but thankfully these feelings are only fleeting as I quickly remind myself of the incredible progress I have made in the last 3 years and more importantly the benefit's I hope they are bringing, there is no way I want to undo all I have done and feel guilty when I do give in to the odd indulgence knowing