
Showing posts from November, 2017

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.2) - Walking for heart & soul & finding parkrun

WALKING FOR HEART & SOUL & FINDING PARKRUN (Phase VI – sustaining a healthy life-style ) "Nothings going to happen unless you make it happen." With the carrot of a £100.00 b onus hanging on my 2,500,000 step challenge [see part 4.1], at the half-way point 16 days before the Heart & Souls London Bridges sponsored walk I had completed 53.4% of the task, this was boosted by a hefty 25,326 steps running between to two Totteridge FC stalls at a highly successful Hazlemere Fete on glorious August bank holiday, trying to keep both their floats replenished with £1.00 coins.    This left a very doable 206,634 steps or an average of 12,914 per day to complete the challenge. I was again looking for ways to increase my step count and introduced walking around the school car park while waiting for my wife to finish her evening cleaning job, I worked out that one lap gave me about 250 steps and if I arrived early and she was late out I could do 8-10 laps, that cou

Heart Attack to 10K (part 4.1) - Getting FFITer and Harefield & Heartbreak hill revisited

GETTING FFITer. (Phase VI – sustaining a healthy life-style ) "Nothings going to happen unless you make it happen." I already knew I had an enlarged prostate, but during early April 2017 that I noticed that I was having to visit the little chairboys room a bit more frequently and it was becoming more difficult to pass water. I thought this might be due to a change in medication so mentioned it to my GP on one of my many visits. This prompted the doctor to get a little more intimate with me than I was comfortable with as he gave my prostate a little tickle (you'll probably have to pay extra for that in a house of ill repute!) and he then referred me to the Urologist. A blood test showed my PSA ( Prostate-specific antigen, a protein released from the prostate gland into the blood stream) to be 6.2, this was cause for concern as anything over 4.0 could indicate the presence of cancer cells. Normally, I believe the next stage would be to go for a biopsy, thi

Heart Attack to 10K (part 3) - They tried to make me go to rehab, I said yes, yes, yes please

THEY TRIED TO MAKE ME GO TO REHAB. I SAID YES, YES, YES PLEASE! (Phase III – cardiac rehabilitation) the cardiac rehab team 21 st Feb 2017 and I start phase III of my cardiac event when attending the first of 6 weeks of cardiac rehabilitation classes, but this part of the story really began back at my heart assessment 3 weeks earlier. Besides receiving my pedometer and starting an obsession in counting steps [see part 2], a series of measurements were taken which have since become the base point for tracking my subsequent progress.  My heart rate was 59, blood pressure 153/96, weight 98.2 kg, height 177cm, BMI 31.34 and waist 107cm. The Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation Team set long term targets against these measurements – blood pressure <140/90, weight 58-78.3kg, BMI 18.5-25 and waist <94cm. [Care4Today Cardiac Rehab video, this features the actual team I was with ..... click here ] Part of the assessment is to do a ‘shuttle walk test’ during which you wear